S1E6: False Imprisonment


In the sixth episode of True Crime Horror Story, your host JD Horror brings you tales of False Imprisonment. 

Case #1: The Box - While hitchhiking in Northern Calfornia, Colleen Stan is kidnapped by Cameron and Janice Hooker and take back their their house where she is held prisoner for a period of 7 years, kept locked in box 23 hours per day and only let out to be tortured and used as a sex slave. (C. Hooker, Red Bluff, CA) 

Case #2: The Basement - Sylvia Likens was left under the care of a neighbor, Gertrude Baniszewski, while her parents are away. During a three month period the 16 year old girl was subjected to every form of torture imaginable, ultimately leading to her tragic death. (G. Baniszewski, Indianapolis, IN) 

Thanks for listening. We will be back in two weeks with another episode. If you like what you hear here on True Crime Horror Story, please subscribe and give us a five star review. You can also check out our patreon at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimehs and then stayed tuned on Patreon for the True Crime Horror Story Aftershow w/ Dom & JD as well as exclusive bonus content available only on patreon.

This episode features music by Mechanical Ghost and artwork by Nuclear Heat Graphics. Has violent crime impacted you or someone close to you? Send us an e-mail at truecrimehorrorstory@gmail.com 

True Crime Horror Story... Sometimes truth is more brutal than fiction. 

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In the sixth episode of True Crime Horror Story, your host JD Horror brings you tales of False Imprisonment. Case #1: The Box - While hitchhiking in Northern Calfornia, Colleen Stan is kidnapped by Cameron and Janice Hooker and take back their their house where she is held prisoner for a period of 7 years, kept locked in box 23 hours per day and only let out to be tortured and used as a sex slave.

true crime horror story, true crime podcast, false imprisonment, the basement, the box, colleen stan, cameron hooker, gertrude baniszewski, sylvia likens, jack ketchum, the girl next door, right to life, the girl in the box

S1E5: The Selfie Killer


In this episode of True Crime Horror Story, your host JD Horror tells the tale of "The Selfie Killer" Amanda Taylor. Plus an exclusive interview with Amanda's best friend Mariah and Amanda Taylor herself that might shed a little light into the motivations and the mental state of Amanda at the time of the murder.Amanda Taylor shocked America when she killed her father in law Charlie Taylor, and then posted a picture on her Instagram hovering over the body while holding the bloody knife.  The case would be sensationalized all over the media, but sometimes when digging a little deeper all might not be what it seems. (A. Taylor, Ironto, VA)

Thanks for listening. We will be back in two weeks with another episode. If you like what you hear here on True Crime Horror Story, please subscribe and give us a five star review. You can also check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimehs and then stayed tuned on Patreon for the True Crime Horror Story Aftershow w/ Dom & JD as well as exclusive bonus content available only on Patreon.

This episode features music by Mechanical Ghost and artwork by Nuclear Heat Graphics.Has violent crime impacted you or someone close to you? Send us an e-mail at truecrimehorrorstory@gmail.com

True Crime Horror Story... Sometimes truth is more brutal than fiction.

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In this episode of True Crime Horror Story, your host JD Horror tells the tale of "The Selfie Killer" Amanda Taylor.

true crime horror story, true crime podcast, the selfie killer, amanda taylor, the selfie killer amanda taylor, rex taylor, charlie taylor murder, ironto, christiansburg, selfie killer

S1E4: Doomsday Cults


In the fourth episode of Season 1, your host JD Horror brings you tales of Doomsday Cults led by religious madmen.

Case #1: Entering Heaven's Gate - The faith in an apocalypse brought on by the Hale Bopp Comet and an Alien Jesus inspire Marshall Applewhite to lead 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult to commit mass suicide. (Marshall Applewhite/Heaven Gate's Cult, Rancho Santa Fe, CA)

Case #2: King of the Hill - A spiritual guru's search for God leads to cruelty, the torture of his followers, and an attempted necromantic ceremony that would shock the world. (Roch Theriault, Burnt River, Ontario, Canada)

Thanks for listening. We will be back in two weeks with another episode. If you like what you hear here on True Crime Horror Story, please subscribe and give us a five star review. You can also check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimehs and then stayed tuned on Patreon for the True Crime Horror Story Aftershow w/ Dom & JD as well as exclusive bonus content available only on Patreon.

This episode features music by Mechanical Ghost and artwork by Nuclear Heat Graphics.

Has violent crime impacted you or someone close to you? Send us an e-mail at truecrimehorrorstory@gmail.com

True Crime Horror Story... Sometimes truth is more brutal than fiction.

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In the fourth episode of Season 1, your host JD Horror brings you tales of Doomsday Cults led by religious madmen. Case #1: Entering Heaven's Gate - The faith in an apocalypse brought on by the Hale Bopp Comet and an Alien Jesus inspire Marshall Applewhite to lead 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult to commit mass suicide.

true crime horror story, true crime podcast, doomsday cults, heaven’s gate, marshall applewhite, roch theriault, the ant hill kids, mass suicide, cult suicide, alien jesus, bonnie nettles

Season 1 BONUS Episode 2: The Crippler


Chris Benoit was a professional wrestler who killed his wife and son in a brutal murder-suicide leaving friends, fans and family to wonder if the carnage was inspired by evil, mental illness or conspiracy (C. Benoit - Fayetteville, GA)

Thanks for listening. We will be back next week with another episode. If you like what you heard here on this special bonus episode Patreon preview, please subscribe and give us a five star review. You can also check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimehs  for the True Crime Horror Story Aftershow w/ Dom & JD as well as exclusive bonus episodes like the one you just heard that are available only on patreon.

This episode features music by Mechanical Ghost, Asonja Von Dudeski and artwork by Nuclear Heat Graphics.

Has violent crime impacted you or someone close to you? Send us an e-mail at truecrimehorrorstory@gmail.com

True Crime Horror Story... Sometimes truth is more brutal than fiction.

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Chris Benoit was a professional wrestler who killed his wife and son in a brutal murder-suicide leaving friends, fans and family to wonder if the carnage was inspired by evil, mental illness or conspiracy (C. Benoit - Fayetteville, GA) Thanks for listening. We will be back next week with another episode.

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S1E3: Flesh for Satan


In the third episode of Season 1, your host JD Horror brings you tales that focus on killers that did it in the name of Satan. 

Case #1: The Nightstalker - The entire state of California is gripped by terror at the hands of one of the most sadistic killers in American History. (Richard Ramirez - California)

Case #2: Elyse Pahler - A friendly teenage girl is brutally murdered by a heavy metal cover band in a sacrifice to Satan. (Joseph Fiorella, Jacob Delashmutt, and Royce Casey - Arroyo Grande, CA)

Case #3: El Padrino - A drug running cult leader practices black magic through sacrifice and ritualistic torture. (Adolfo Constanzo - Matamoros, Mexico)

Thanks for listening. We will be back in two weeks with another episode. If you like what you hear here on True Crime Horror Story, please subscribe and give us a five star review. You can also check out our patreon at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimehs and then stayed tuned on Patreon for the True Crime Horror Story Aftershow w/ Dom & JD as well as exclusive bonus content available only on patreon.

This episode features additional writing by Dominick Balsamo, voice acting by RJ Castillo, music by Mechanical Ghost and artwork by Nuclear Heat Graphics.

Has violent crime impacted you or someone close to you? Send us an e-mail at truecrimehorrorstory@gmail.com

True Crime Horror Story... Sometimes truth is more brutal than fiction.

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In the third episode of Season 1, your host JD Horror brings you tales that focus on killers that did it in the name of Satan. Case #1: The Nightstalker - The entire state of California is gripped by terror at the hands of one of the most sadistic killers in American History.

true crime horror story, true crime podcast, flesh for satan, satanic panic, satanic murders, ritual murders, richard ramirez, the nightstalker, elyse pahler, fiorella, delashmutt, casey, arroyo grande, arroyo grande california, narcosatanicos, el padrino, adolfo constanzo, perdita durango

S1E2: Home Invasions

In the second episode of True Crime Horror Story, your host JD Horror brings you tales of some of the most disturbing home invasions cases in American history.

Case #1: Cheshire House - The story of the infamous Cheshire Connecticut Murders of the Petit family. (Joshua Komisarjevsky and Steven Hayes - Cheshire, CT)

Case #2: Corpsewood Manor - A rural community lives in fear of the residents of a Satanic Castle out in the woods. However, maybe they should be looking at their own residents instead. (Tony West & Avery Brock - Summerville, GA)

Thanks for listening. We will be back in two weeks with another episode. If you like what you hear here on True Crime Horror Story, please subscribe and give us a five star review. You can also check out our patreon at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimehs and then stayed tuned on Patreon for the True Crime Horror Story Aftershow w/ Dom & JD as well as exclusive bonus content available only on patreon.

This episode features music by Mechanical Ghost and artwork by Nuclear Heat Graphics.

Has violent crime impacted you or someone close to you? Send us an e-mail at truecrimehorrorstory@gmail.com

True Crime Horror Story... Sometimes truth is more brutal than fiction.

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In the second episode of True Crime Horror Story, your host JD Horror brings you tales of some of the most disturbing home invasions cases in American history. Case #1: Cheshire House - The story of the infamous Cheshire Connecticut Murders of the Petit family.

true crime horror story, true crime podcast, home invasions, cheshire connecticut, petit murders, joshua komisarjevsky, steven hayes, corpsewood manor, tony west, avery brock, cheshire home invasion

BONUS: S1E1 Aftershow Patreon Preview


If you haven't listen to the first episode yet, go do that now and then check out this TCHS Aftershow from our Patreon for FREE! If you like it check us out at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimehs for more bonus content including full length bonus episodes and the Aftershow after every episode.

Case #1: The Chameleon - When a woman is found dead, her son's tearful plea on the news rallies a community in support. However, sometimes not everything is as it seems. (Gabriel Espinoza - Lompoc, CA)

Case #2: Daniel's Game - Can a violent video game drive a normal teen to murder? (Daniel Petric - Wellington, OH )

Thanks for listening. We will be back in two weeks with another episode. If you like what you hear here on True Crime Horror Story, please subscribe and give us a five star review. You can also check out our patreon at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimehs and then stayed tuned on Patreon for the True Crime Horror Story Aftershow w/ Dom & JD as well as exclusive bonus content available only on patreon.

This episode features music by Mechanical Ghost and artwork by Nuclear Heat Graphics.

Has violent crime impacted you or someone close to you? Send us an e-mail at truecrimehorrorstory@gmail.com

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If you haven't listen to the first episode yet, go do that now and then check out this TCHS Aftershow from our Patreon for FREE! If you like it check us out at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimehs for more bonus content including full length bonus episodes and the Aftershow after every episode.

true crime horror story, matricide, true crime podcast, lompoc murder, lompoc, lompoc california, gabriel espinoza, gabriel espinoza lompoc, daniel petric, halo killer, wellington ohio

S1E1: Matricide


In the inaugural episode of True Crime Horror Story, your host JD Horror brings you a series of tales about some disturbing incidents of Matricide (the killing of one's own mother).

Case #1: The Chameleon - When a woman is found dead, her son's tearful plea on the news rallies a community in support. However, sometimes not everything is as it seems. (Gabriel Espinoza - Lompoc, CA)

Case #2: Daniel's Game - Can a violent video game drive a normal teen to murder? (Daniel Petric - Wellington, OH )

Thanks for listening. We will be back in two weeks with another episode. If you like what you hear here on True Crime Horror Story, please subscribe and give us a five star review. You can also check out our patreon at http://www.patreon.com/truecrimehs and then stayed tuned on Patreon for the True Crime Horror Story Aftershow w/ Dom & JD as well as exclusive bonus content available only on patreon.

This episode features music by Mechanical Ghost and artwork by Nuclear Heat Graphics.

Has violent crime impacted you or someone close to you? Send us an e-mail at truecrimehorrorstory@gmail.com

True Crime Horror Story... Sometimes truth is more brutal than fiction.

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In the inaugural episode of True Crime Horror Story, your host JD Horror brings you a series of tales about some disturbing incidents of Matricide (the killing of one's own mother). Case #1: The Chameleon - When a woman is found dead, her son's tearful plea on the news rallies a community in support.

true crime horror story, matricide, true crime podcast, lompoc murder, lompoc, lompoc california, gabriel espinoza, gabriel espinoza lompoc, daniel petric, halo killer, wellington ohio